For users of QuicKeys 2. The file FP QuicKeys contains a QuicKeys 2 Keyset for PixelFlipper. The following keys are pre-defined for extended keyboards:
1 bit <command> F1
2 bit <command> F2
4 bit <command> F4
8 bit <command> F8
gray <command> <down arrow>
color <command> <up arrow>
The PF hot keys are <command><option>. Select these for the QuicKeys modifiers for the quickey.
You can, of course, change the QuicKeys to reflect your PixelFlipper hot key and the QuicKey hot key. As soon as I figure out the structure of the Universal Keyset file for QuicKeys, I will be able to modify a QuicKey to reflect hot key changes for PixelFlipper. This way you won╒t have to reassign the modifiers for each PixelFlipper QuicKey.